Many of you may have received inquiries from the Division of Workers' Compensation Claims Management Unit requesting information on the status of claims which the DWC classifies as "open" claims. There have been a number of questions raised to the DWC regarding what information the DWC will accept to prove the claim is closed, since the employer's or insurer's file may have been destroyed, misplaced, or otherwise unable to be located given the age of the claims in question.
On September 26, 2012, the Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation issued an email to the Colorado Self-Insurer's Association which indicated that he has asked the Claims Management Unit to withdraw inquiries regarding proof of closure for "really old" claims. The e-mail did not indicate which claims meet the "really old" thresshold, nor did it indicate whether the Claims Management Unit would be issuing a formal letter withdrawing its inquiry into the claim. Therefore, if you have received a letter from the Claims Management Unit requesting proof that a claim is closed, you may want to contact the Claims Management Unit to discuss whether the inquiry has been withdrawn.
If you would like a copy of the e-mail in question or have additional questions, please feel free to contact me.